Friday, February 4, 2011

Seashell on a sheashore in WASH...... nah.

This is the progress so far as duplicating an object into cardboard representation. 
The coveted seashell

The seashell from a different angle

The first attempt was to cut a bunch of these pieces and stack and glue. Boy would that take a long time! Plan B.

Plan B: Make the shell hollow instead and follow the swirling pattern of the shell.

The parts that look like a flower with the corrugated parts represent the textures with the lines of the actual seashell.

Well from the looks of things, I may have to be busy the whole weekend.

Photo Safari: On your left you will see....

Some photos I have taken with pattern, rhythm, and textures.
Bathroom light fixture: progressive formal reflection pattern. Friday 3 p.m.

Outside SHSU apartments: progressive formal translation rhythm. Thursday 8: 30 a.m.
Inside tire treads: progressive formal rotation pattern. Thursday 8:45 a.m.

Sewage cover outside SHSU apartments: progressive formal rotation pattern. Thursday 9 a.m.

Outer squiggly lines of a Chinese symbol plate: progressive formal rotation pattern. Friday 12 noon

My beard: non-progressive informal translation texture. Friday 5 p.m.

Barricades of my shed: progressive formal translation rhythm. Friday 4 p.m.

Frost that formed on the hood of my car: non-progressive informal translation texture. Friday 8 a.m.

Human Dot Composition.... I think......

To be honest, I was a little bit lost with this homework. Some people put actual dots in the pictures. Some had people representing dots in the pictures. My understanding was to take a picture and then represent  that photo as a dot composition. I might have messed up. Lesson learned. Ask questions.


Large, prickly, and... rabid?

Sounds almost nasty I know. But these are three randomly selected words from a stack of index cards courtesy of Mister Bill Davenport. And the three words that I have drawn are large, prickly, and rabid. Here are some dot compositions that I thought suited the words.         



Beginning of the Dots Madness

After the class already has some ideas of manipulating positive and negative space and the effects it may have on the viewer, we move on to dots! Here are some random dot compositions when we allowed a few dots of varying sizes free-fall onto a piece of paper. And then using a view finder, I went to work with re-creating what wound up in my 5 by 5 inch view finder by gluing some black dots onto another 5" x 5" pieces of paper. Oh and the following class day, we were supposed to show visual attractions between the dots when the viewer looks at it....I think.... Here are some pictures.

Project with Black Squares

This is the beginning of our experiments with the effects space on top of negative space and vice versa. Also they suggest the idea of the effects of the background in relation to the foreground and etc. These are some of the compositions that I have come up with expressing expressions, moods, textures.






Newspaper Construction Attempt # 2

You might have noticed the title stating "Attempt # 2". That is because I was at the WASH building last semester doing the exact same thing. Why was I in the WASH building last semester you ask? I wanted to register for WASH last semester and believed I can get added into the class manually. But that's water under the bridge. My newspaper construction attempt # 1 was a success since it did not crumble under the pressures of the cinder block. What accounts for this success was the fact that the materials we were given were newspaper and tape. Not just any tape mind you. Duct tape! Attempt # 2 was an epic fail because I was hoping to build a larger structure than last semester. To my surprise, the tape was replaced with glue. Needless to say, my ambitions were crushed. I had a similar plan that I was ready to utilize as last semester which is to build squares but have cross structures to reinforce the squares through the middle. Trying to cross two pieces of rolled newspaper was not very successful with glue. Oh how i miss duct tape. You really don't appreciate things until they are gone :(