Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sontag Photo Analysis

Sontag Photo Analysis: Picture taken with someone I know

a: The purpose of this photo is to show my relationship with my girlfriend and when we were on vacation. I chose this for the assignment because I like the background and it signifies good times that we have. I keep it to archive vacation photos that were taken in Florida.
b: The emotional relationship between the photo is that she is my girlfriend and has been for eight years now and counting. The way that the picture is influenced is a personal connection since we have been involved for a long time and that she is my first and official romantic relationship. My attitude towards the photo is an affectionate one. The way I look at the photo is a loving way of looking at it and it always makes me smile when I look at it.
c: The photo is meant to be viewed by me and my girlfriend to reminisce on a good time in our relationship. It has been just about 7 years since I took this photo with the camera on a rock and well.... unless I get amnesia somehow (I am hoping not) then I will remember this in ten years and more.

Sontag photo 2: Taken of me by someone else

a: This photo was taken for humorous purposes. I keep it because it allows me to laugh at myself and reminds me of the time that I shaved my head and I look like the fish guy from "Hellboy". I chose it for the assignment because it is significant to me and its significance is how fun it was snorkeling.
b: The emotional relationship between me and my girlfriend (who took the picture) is a romantic one. The relationship allows me to be myself without inhibitions and make a fool of myself without worries therefore my attitude towards the picture is to be a clown and her attitude is to clown me.
c: The photo is intended to be viewed by anyone who wishes to laugh at how the picture was taken. It is not necessarily a personal photo. I will remember it for years to come when I remember taking a photo that makes me look like a fish alien.
Sontag photo 3: Taken by someone I don't know of someone I don't know

a: The purpose of the photo is a glamour shot I would imagine. I don't really keep the photo but I probably will now. The image shows how the beautiful lady has a green and a blue eye. It is really trippy but very attractive. Very exotic.
b: There probably is not an emotional relationship between the subject and the photographer because it seems like a professional shot that is meant for advertising. The attitude of the subject towards the photographer is one that showcases her beauty. The photographer's attitude towards the subject is probably one that makes him (if the photographer is a he) think and say "Damm!"
c: The photo was meant to be viewed by everybody since it is online. Although I have never heard of a person with two different-colored eyes, I will remember the person but probably not this specific photo in ten years.

Exquisite Corpse

noisy stick read ugly doodoo

nice weed grind alone gas

fierce earth bounce clever weird

Identity Essentials






Survival Research Laboratories

Carlo Ramos

Survival Research Lab

Created by Mark Pauline in 1978, Survival Research Laboratories combine machines, special effects and robotics to create the fantasy of live-action mechanical interaction. The interactions could be through fighting with loud, destructive and very scary mayhem that live audience can enjoy right in from of them! It is basically the fantasy of futuristic robots--controlled and automatic--battling it to the end. It is a sort of pre-judgement day via Terminator type of action. It also allows for the fantasy of those who wish to be deaf since SRL does not hold back on that part.
Compared to other forms of media that wish to accomplish the same fantasy, the key difference would be the scale of ambitiousness as close to reality as possible that SRL brings to the table. As I mentioned before, Terminator wants to bring the fantasy of a machine war as well which brings their commonalities. The difference between SRL and Terminator is the sophistication of the robots as Terminator is not quite realistically sophisticated compared to SRL's more primitive robots (so far). Destruction derbies also try to create the same fantasy of battling machines but they cannot go as far as completely decimating the cars because there are people in them which would be a whole other problem. SRL has remote-controlled robots that can be destroyed to the fullest since there are no people in them.
From a distance, it certainly does look like SRL can be called "yanks with tanks". But it is not quite like that because the technology that goes into one SRL machine is not too primitive like the statement implies. I think SRL is promoting and critiquing mechanized violence. Since I can be destructive and love seeing mayhem, I think they are going more for promoting even if the performances can be satirical of the military weapons testing.
The SRL audience is catering to those who love destruction and mayhem. Yes, we love that in America but SRL's insurance policy would take them to the cleaners. Amsterdam is very liberal with their prostitution and drug laws so a few exploding, fire-breathing killing machines do not pose as a problem. For American-created SRL to be in Afghanistan would seem like an American attack towards them so….. probably not a good idea to have SRL there…..